Crowds celebrated in Style at Elwick Place’s Coronation ‘Party at the Piazza’ on Sunday
7th May!

The event, which ran from 12 – 3 pm and was FREE to attend, included a host of
children’s craft activities, such as a ‘make your own crown’ station and Coronation
themed colouring. Children got in the Coronation spirit by having their faces painted for
the occasion by talented local face painter Polly’s Party Art.
The Coronation dress-up station proved popular among families, who dressed up in
character to have their photographs taken on Elwick Place’s Coronation Throne and life
size cut out King’s Charles. The bench was lovingly designed and created for the event
by the talented team at Made in Ashford.
Families who took photos were and are still encouraged to tag @elwickplace on social
media for a chance to win a bundle of exciting Elwick Place prizes, including Ashford
Picturehouse tickets, Leo & Sage ice cream, Matches Match Box hire and Snap Fitness

The afternoon was brought alive with music and included live performances from
locally recognised bands, The Rec and Into the Rose Garden, who serenaded the
crowds, followed by a showstopping performance of Six! the Musical from the Towers
Performing Arts department whose vocals were fantastic!
Elwick Place’s resident gym, Snap Fitness, provided a fitness challenge which involved
seeing how many press ups passers by could achieve in a minute, one competitor
achieved 75 in the time and was very impressed with himself! Leo & Sage embraced
the glorious sunshine and invited people for Pimms and Ice – cream samples, as well as
having a selection of delicious looking cakes and bakes on sale, while Ashford
Picturehouse provided delicious samples from their in-house menu, including chilli squid,
buttermilk chicken burgers and jackfruit kebabs. No guest went home hungry that’s for
sure, and many made bookings to return that afternoon for food or at a later date!

Other significant moments from the event included a visit from local MP Damien Green
who joined in the celebration, sampling food, watching the performances and meeting
local visitors. Commenting on the event MP Damien Green said: “It looks great here, it is
fabulous to see Elwick Place full of atmosphere and busy again. Elwick Place is so
important to our town centre and there is great scope for other events here in the

Other visitors added: “Thank you all so much for putting on today’s event, it has been
wonderful! We have seen Six! In the West End and the performance today was vocally
as good! We’ve had a brilliant day.” And: “Can you keep this music going all evening?
We’re visiting, opened our curtains this morning in the Travelodge and have stayed
here eating and drinking all day! What a fabulous event!”
Keep an eye on our events page and socials for information on future events.
Please do free to send us / tag us in your photographs from the Coronation event